Published on 24 April 2021

(Toulouse, France. The 23rd of April 2021) – Looking back at Dick Rivers. It’s been two years now, that Dick has left us. But he did not left us as orphans. Among the gems he left us there ‘s a last recording, a last breath we can hear on vinyle (Yes!). This last recording of him and singer songwriter Franz Robert WILD is due to be released officially today two years after his passing. On April 23 2021.
“Cheyenne Blue Sky” is issued by Glissando Music, distributed by KAA Production.

What is “Cheyenne Blue Sky” all about ? This is the infamous story of Washita Battle in Oklahoma, where Lt. Col. Custer attacked on a dark and weary day of 1868 the Indian village of Black Kettle on the banks of the Washita river (OK). This is the last cry of a captive Cheyenne being led astray by the army in order to be a figure of shame, exposed as a trophy before the white settlers. This is at last a Pop-Rock song recorded by the old French Icon Dick RIVERS & his young fellow Franz Robert WILD. This song can truly be perceived as a passing of the torch between the two singers, not only because they alternatively sing each section, but also because Dick died 6 month after this recording session.

Cheyenne Blue Sky is the first single issued from the forthcoming album CHANGE. The musician from Toulouse, France, is issuing a much oriented pop-rock production, while its predecessor was more into Folk-Rock & Americana. The sound of ‘CHANGE’ is mainly driven by the acoustic guitar of Franz, seasoned with Florent Soler’s electric guitars. It reminds us a bit of some Tom Petty’s stuff.

Florent Soler (Adieu Marlène, Neko Light Orchestra) is the producer and arranger of 10 new tracks. The album will be revealed as a series of 8 singles, month after month, as a poppy unveiling its petals. A fragile beauty to be looked upon.

Franz Robert WILD is working with Atomes Production for the shows. The Electric band performing with him is The Decades, but he plays also with his acoustic band (Upper Bass, Celtic harp, Guitars, Percussions).

Make sure to put Sunday the 2d of May 2021 in your calendar. Franz and The Decades will be playing a concert live at 8:30 pm (Paris Time) on Blue Neko TV.

On the 7th of May “Cheyenne Blue Sky” will hit a video premiere on Youtube. This official videoclip contains unseen footage of the late Dick RIVERS.

Source :
Société phonographique : GLISSANDO MUSIC et ARTS
Tél. Bureau : 05 63 58 41 92 / 06 63 01 59 27
Distribution KA’A PRODUCTION

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